Earning Belt Loops and Pins- Cub Scouts of all levels from Tiger Cub to Webelos II can participate in the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Programs earning belt loops and pins along the way. The 23 sports activities and 17 academic activities can be completed as an individual, in a den or as a pack. Only two belt loops can not be earned on a den or pack level (Archery and BB Gun Shooting). These two loops must be earned at an organized event, such as Cub Scout Day or Resident Camps, with a certified instructor.
Cub Scouts participating in school sporting activites may use them to earn the corresponding belt loops.

Belt Loops are earned after complete an average of 3 requirements. Sports Loops are silver, Academic Loops are Gold. The highly convented Archery and BB Gun Shooting Loops are Brass Colored.

Pins are earned in each activity by completing 5 to 6 more difficult requirements than the average of 3 required to earn the belt loop.